


The symbol of the redemptive Holocaust.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
Prophecies in the Pentateuch at Alejandro's Libros

Abraham, symbolizing God here, took his only child Isaac (according to the promise), and thinking about the certain death of his son walked three days––which symbolize the three Hebrew days Jesus went to preach into the dead: 1 Pet 3:19, 4:6––to the place where he was going to sacrifice him.

This unusual man of God who had already expressed his great mercy when he asked God to prevent the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (18:23-33); was flesh and blood like any of us, with family problems, earthly and adamics, in a society where he had developed. Not being a man free of sin––because there is no such––when we see as a whole the patriarch Abraham’s trajectory: his simplicity in times of scarcity and wealth, his unconditional devotion to God the Father who gave him life and eternal promises; his centennial patience expecting a child that seemed to never come, and while all his servants procreated with the blessing of his master having extended families; and when it came that time to embrace the little boy and see him grow, thus be subjected to the test of his existence, delivering to the Creator of life his only son for which he had waited a whole life long, then we understand why God chose this man to make of him the father of many peoples and nations.

(What will life be on our planet once the Lord fulfills the promise of his coming? If interested you can read it in the form of a literary narrative, recreated in the author's book entitled: 'The King Victorino').

[These and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'Prophecies in the Pentateuch;' in print and digital editions]