


Be ready: The time is coming to receive Him.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
The Four Prophetic Gospels at Alejandro's Libros

The mission of the Lord––on the way to his crucifixion and resurrection––was to emphasize that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (4:17); thus showing, through these passages, that overall mankind was entering its last period (Christian Era or Year of grace), which end with the eternal redemption of those who love God deep within their hearts and accepted his Son Yeshua (v.13).

Is it good business to disagree with God in order to achieve fleeting earthly benefits? Didn’t the Lord say: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added?” So why you––earthly man––strive and toil yourself while forgetting the Giver of all your benefits? Does not he makes the sun to rise over good and bad ones at the same time? Why not believe in him when he emphasizes that into his Wedding will be allowed entering only the good ones according to faith? And who are the good guys? Not any sinless, but those which have been cleaned and soaped, through the blood spilled by the Blessed Holy Lamb; expiating our baseness and asking us only to wake up and be in guard so we could enjoy together such delight of welcoming him and one day live in harmony, justice, peace; and where there is no more death, becoming it just an obsolete symphony from a dark past never to return again.

[These and other New Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'The Four Prophetic Gospels;' in print and digital editions]