


King Nebuchadnezzar and his beloved Babylon.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
Minor Prophets of the Old Testament at Alejandro's Libros

Blind watchmen and leaders of the blind and ignorant; like dumb dogs that cannot bark and looking each one on their own selfish ways and wellness (Is 56:9-11); they did not want to hear, but––as in today’s world––thought God was lost and he had forgotten everything. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, who remains in his Word (Ps 33:11), he does not change or is inconstant like humans who fickle as the waves of the sea, driven by the wind of the times and fashions (Jm 1:6-7); only trusting in the dictates of their own hearts and that is why the prophet emphasized about: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jer 17:9-10).

They were taken to that Babylon once called cradle of the human race. In 1935 Sir Henry Rawlinson, a British officer who was under commission to the service of Persia, in the north of Babylon found a rock over 400 meters high, with a recorded time of around 516 BC. This Behistun Rock––as it has been called since then––was the key to deciphering the Babylonian language. From 1845-1851 Sir Austen Henry Layard discovered around Nineveh and Calah ruins of palaces with inscriptions of the kings mentioned in the Bible, also the library of Assur-Banipal which had about 100, 000 volumes between writings and tablets. Thus Nebuchadnezzar was the head of a powerful Empire that extended its rule over much of the known world, making of Babylon an extremely beautiful city, beyond our imagination.

(What will life be on our planet once the Lord fulfills the promise of his coming? If interested you can read it in the form of a literary narrative, recreated in the author's book entitled: 'The King Victorino').

[These and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'Minor Prophets of the Old Testament;' in print and digital editions]