


The Assyrian Empire and the Israeli Northern Kingdom.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
Major Prophets of the Old Testament at Alejandro's Libros

This happened, as mentioned, around the year 933 BC; and then a former military officer of his father Solomon’s army, who had previously rebelled and fled to Egypt by Pharaoh Shishak, called Jeroboam, encouraged the 10 tribes of Israel headed by that of Ephraim, to secede from the nation and create their own kingdom separated from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, mixed these also with some of Simeon’s tribe.

The reader should know that determining the exact dates when millennia have passed, is not an easy task, and often the theologians do not match. For example, it is stated as an established fact in biblical dictionaries that Prophet Isaiah began his public ministry between the years 758 to 745 BC, continuing for 50 years further. I do not agree exactly with it, as the Northern Kingdom––we shall see––was destroyed around 721 BC, and if the prophet predicted about this would occur before 65 years from the time when he is prophesying, then the prophet Isaiah must have pronounced this judgment near the year 786 BC (721+65=786); meaning that his ministry actually should have started at least in that year (28 years ahead of the one academically recognized) living a long life; however, considering that have passed since then almost 2800 years, then twenty-eight years difference is not such an important disagreement.

The suffering has not closed its last page. Israel has not yet found its Messiah, whether the same prophet Isaiah appeared to them in person today. If you are interested you can read about the final events in the study book entitled: 'Revelation of Saint John. Interpretation of the Book,' or recreated in the literary novel 'The Great Peacemaker from Hell.'

[This and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'Major Prophets of the Old Testament;' in print and digital edition]