To see this in
real perspective we refer primarily to 198 years later when the tribe of Judah
was the bigger––among their brothers––counting seventy-four thousand six
hundred men all set, armed and ready for war (Nm 1:27).
the end of his prophecy Jacob goes ahead at least 3765 years later––end of the
world as we know it today––when he foretells announcing that “he will gather the people” (v.10). To him––Shiloh Jesus
Christ––raising up, gathering, uniting all Christians from all peoples and
nations of the world to himself, delivering them that eternal salvation
promised by his Holy Father;
workmanship close to take place when soon he shall install his Millenarian Kingdom and be seen a Second time before the
astonished eyes of all inhabitants on the planet, in sublime glory and power:
the Son of God, coming
from heaven himself (Rev 1:7-8). Read also about the Millennial Kingdom
in the author’s book entitled ‘Revelation of St. John. Interpretation of
the Book.’
will life be on our planet once the Lord fulfills the promise of his coming? If
interested you can read it in the form of a literary narrative recreated in the
author's book entitled: 'The King Victorino').
and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's
book entitled: 'Prophecies in the Pentateuch;' in
print and digital edition]