


Two judgments and resurrections.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
The Four Prophetic Gospels at Alejandro's Libros

1st Judgment: The one discussed here, and it will occur––counting on the agile omniscience and omnipresence of God––on every Christian alive or resurrected; and to all people who shall be currently living on the planet including some of the Hebrew people which God had risen to be developed in the Millennium and could experience Salvation through the Son of God, seated in Jerusalem.

In this 1st Judgment we are discussing Jesus Christ––the King––will sit to judge and shall tell his Christians disciples: “Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (v.34). Why? Because they are the ones who accepted by faith the Salvation and work of the Lord, and they rendered sincere fruits for the Kingdom of God (v.35-40). However, to the others which did not believe in him, and were filled and satiated enough walking under their own cheap idolatries, advices, and worldly concupiscences without having Yahweh God in their minds, he will tell them: “Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels;” that is, they will pay due company to those old demonic beings in Hades.

(Also read the author's book entitled: 'The Great Peacemaker from Hell,' which recreates in a narrative form the final events, now very close).

[These and other New Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'The Four Prophetic Gospels;' in print and digital editions]