


System 3 and System 7.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
Prophecies in the Pentateuch at Alejandro's Libros

Before proceeding––let’s make a parenthesis––and remember that human chronology is never exact and coinciding with that of God, even to our own. Citing an example we could say that there are four years or more of possible error in the chronology we think now as a fact in the Christian world. Christ apparently was born at least two to four years earlier than long established as dogma. Another thing is, as we shall see in a passage we’ll be studying (Ex 12:3; Lv 23:27), subsequently after ten years of this millennium we are journeying, the world would enter into a stage of social and geopolitical changes as has occurred indeed; nevertheless, God is sovereign and has his own order, and the day and hour no one knows, and he alone bears his celestial chronology (Mt 24:36).

(You also can read the literary novel 'The Great Peacemaker from Hell,' which recreates in a narrative form the final events; and the writings titled: 'The prophet Ezekiel: Gog, Magog, and the Third World War,' next to 'Prophet Daniel: The Last Four Empires of Mankind').

[These and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'Prophecies in the Pentateuch;' in print and digital editions]