


The Just shall live by his Faith.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
Minor Prophets of the Old Testament at Alejandro's Libros

At this time we write, the mediatic world––in addition to ignore the thousands of victims who annually die in this earthly globe, persecuted ones and annihilated others as Christians––is committed to a massive attack against Christianity and the true God. Why? This reminds us about the next century after Christ’s departure, when the devil was very active trying to divide the Church with treaties and gnostic groups, but once failed in his task, then exacerbated the Roman Empire to drive out all its fates and faults blaming on them the Christians and thus they could be cruelly murdered while protected by law. If a drought occurred or any social disaster, the incrimination was again delegated on the people of God, followed by a ruthless persecution, and where many innocent martyrs valiantly gave their lives.

(What will life be on our planet once the Lord fulfills the promise of his coming? If interested you can read it in the form of a literary narrative, recreated in the author's book entitled: 'The King Victorino').

[These and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'Minor Prophets of the Old Testament;' in print and digital editions]