


Those who were invited were not worthy.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
The Four Prophetic Gospels at Alejandro's Libros

“And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come… but they made light of it, and went their ways… and the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth… and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city… The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy… go you therefore into the highways, and as many as you shall find… together all as many as they found, both bad and good… and when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment… how came you in here not having a wedding garment?... Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen”

Let us detail in brief the actual meaning of each verse related to this parable of the weddings. We begin by saying that God sent his only Begotten Son (v.2-4) to the then Jewish people, and they ignored the call (v.5-6), taking him as a blasphemer, convicted, and mocking him (Lk 24:35-39); eventually becoming real murderers (v.7). As we said Christ came to give his life willingly and found a majority ready to kill him like a vile bandit and villain, showing them a devilish malice and lack of knowledge in God’s Word.

Read also the author's book entitled: 'Revelation of Saint John. Interpretation of the Book.'

[These and other New Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'The Four Prophetic Gospels;' in print and digital editions]