"Don't be fooled by political sides, ideologies, idols, dynasties, sects, synagogue of satan, mega-churches or mega-leaders... the real fight is between good vs evil."
Leaven, salt, oil, and incense of His people.
by Alejandro Roque Glez.
You could not offer any present with yeast or leaven, as the future Church of Jesus Christ––especially in the End
of Times––must become clean, pure, free of corruption and proven immoralities (1
Cor 5:6-8); hence the Tribulation hour. While it has not come yet the time
to pluck the tares (Mt 13:28-30, 38-42) we must beware of the false
leaven, from inside, doing much damage to Christianity as an individual and
institution, for a little yeast can leaven the whole lump (Gal 5:9).