


Eternal promise given to King David and his descendants.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.
Minor Prophets of the Old Testament at Alejandro's Libros

This is a direct reference to Jesus Christ, who according to the flesh, was to descend through the family tree of king David.

This is a scripture that can be misconstrued, and it refers to no other than Jesus, who in order to fulfill that promise directed to humans and made to king David about reigning forever; he then became flesh, came into this world as a man and therefore lower than the angels, during his ministry in the land of Israel––the same promised to king David––willingly going to death; in other words, he was ready (even seeing the danger and suffering it required: Mt 26:36-39) to die on the cross of Golgotha, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Heb 2:14-15). Having done this, the Holy Spirit of God has been working for two thousand years, organizing the people who will rule on the eternal promise made to king David in relation to the quote we are analyzing.

(What will life be on our planet once the Lord fulfills the promise of his coming? If interested you can read it in the form of literary narrative recreated in the novel by this author entitled: 'The King Victorino').

[This and other Old Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'Minor Prophets of the Old Testament;' print and digital edition]