


He who does the will of my Father.

by Alejandro Roque Glez.

The Four Prophetic Gospels at Alejandro's Libros

It is used widely when ministers want to refer and recall the tithe, ensuring always-in abundant ‘roast meat’ to their coffers; and in the name of the Lord they will stimulate a group willing to forget even their families if necessary, but depositing on them to be always attentive to the routine mandates and regulatory activities established by the institution, while the leader enjoys and inflates his/her stomach. Of course, it is not something that happens in every institution or sect, there are many brothers engaged in preaching the Good News, but often blind to the dogmatic––and non biblical harmony––of their impositions.

(Also read the author's book entitled: 'The Great Peacemaker from Hell,' which recreates in a narrative form the final events, now very close).

[These and other New Testament prophecies are explicatively compiled in the author's book entitled: 'The Four Prophetic Gospels;' in print and digital editions]